My first was a pattern I'd been wanting to try for a while, commonly known as lozenges I think, though it's bound to have other names as it seems traditional blocks do that.
I began with some fat eighths I'd bought a few months ago, coupled with a navy that I thought would help things 'pop'.

I really enjoyed adding the apricots and greens, and then added the white with the circles - a leftover from a baby quilt that seemed to fit. Don't you just smile at the serendipitous nature of patchworking? I do.
I then had fun doing some spineless feathers on the colours, just stitching in the ditch around the navy.
But as I had made the corners of the lozenges, I had cut off the two and half inch triangles. I hate to waste such pieces, but rather than put them aside (I have too many of those already!) I decided to try to use them straight away.
So I began with 'windmills' - again, probably not the correct block name, but at least a recognisable shape.

I added sashing and some set in triangles and so a second table runner was created. Same fabrics, completely different design - I like the whimsy of that. Again, I used some of the fat eighths - hence the four corners being in the beige that co-ordinates with the green, white and beige floral, as I didn't have sufficient for the corners too.
Here's a close up of the quilting around the blocks - some stipple and some loops.

And so, I have 2 gifts ready for friends, which is just as well as its birthday season for some of my friends.
Until next time,