
Friday, 20 January 2017

Two Finishes

The New Year has begun with technically only one finish, the other was actually a Christmas gift, but I haven't blogged about it yet, so it's included here.
So this is it: 
It was a gift for a great nephew born in November. I guess you can tell his name. I had fun cutting out the small sections of the Hungry Caterpillar from the whole fabric. Then I put a few small borders around sashed it with the running pattern and added the checked border. The quilting was where I had fun and learned a new skill. I hadn't done any shadow type quilting to this extent before, so it was a learning curve, but a good one.

And while the cross hatching around the name looks effective, I must remember just how time consuming it is and its certainly easier if you're just doing it across negative space. Still as with most quilts, once its done it feels good to have achieved it and to hand it over.

The second is a bow tie, but in a different layout to one I'd done earlier in 2016. I decided to make it more scrappy too (the other was a blue/yellow combination). I chose to do a Baptist fan pattern which was also quite time consuming but lovely to see it unfolding.
Here it is on a bed before I'd added the binding. I did mark it up with dissolvable pen and so I gave it a bit of a rinse to get all the blue out before I put the binding on - that impatience to see how its going to look on a bed.
Then I laid it out on the deck (thankfully a lovely sunny day)

And finally the back, which was a simple print of three words: love, joy and peace which seemed perfectly appropriate since that's what I was having as I quilted it at our holiday place near the beach.
I'm pretty happy with that as a start to 2017. Now I still have to get back to that unfinished list from last year......