On the coins themselves I used my walking foot and a little decorative pattern for three rows on each section. But it's on the four patches I've been having the most fun doing orange peel and some stippling in the triangles. I saw a post on Facebook that said something along the lines of: 'You just eyeballed it, you didn't measure - I admire your daring!' well that's what I went with here.
You can clearly see the difference with the last couple of rows on the right that I haven't yet done. I think I'll also do a small pattern in the first border and then a loopy kind of treble clef shape in the blue. So good to have something on the way like this.
I'm also congratulating myself on having scored a bargain of a second hand doll's pram for my niece who'll be 2 at the end of November.
I saw this advertised, went to see it and said 'Yes please!' for AUD $30. It got the sniff of approval from my dog Abby as well.
And I've spent some of the afternoon making a doll's dress - but I don't have any velcro, so I'll have to show that when it's completed. Having had sons, playing with and making things for this cute niece is such fun. Life is rich and I feel very fortunate.
Until next time,