
Sunday, 19 July 2020

3 finishes

I realised I hadn't posted for a couple of months, so checked back on what I'd been working on during that time.
I had been making quilts, that's for sure - it's part of life for me, a big part. And in the midst of all the chaos in the world, creativity that is also productive seems more important than ever.

So the first quilt I was very keenly using up scraps with a Bonnie Hunter pattern, one she made when she was experiencing what she felt was like the plague back in 2019. It seemed appropriate to me in 2020.
It's a Courthouse steps, but the strips are various sizes. I had fun with the quilting on it too.

 Here's  a closer up of the quilting.
And for the backing, I used a piece from Ikea that seemed to work well.
I'm calling this Pandora, as once I opened up my scrap box, all sorts came out and went into this quilt. It's one I'm keeping for myself.

The next one was one for an expected grand baby of a friend. I also wanted to take the opportunity  to try a new free- motion pattern before using on another quilt.

The pattern I was trying for the first time is in the white sections. I always doodle on paper first of all, but like to practise on small areas, often a placemats or similar, before using it on a quilt. I was pretty happy with how this went.

The backing, not quite enough of one fabric, so the pieced cross shape worked well.
And so to my third quilt, one I'd been working on for  a couple of months using autumnal colouring. My other half really likes autumnal tones and so to mark our 40th wedding anniversary I made this quilt. Nothing purchased for this, all pieces I had on hand.

 And the backing, another half of a doona cover (100% cotton).
Very pleased I got to practise the pattern before launching into this quilt. Happy with the result. 
So they're my finishes, until the next time,
