
Friday, 13 February 2015

2015 First

Here we are mid February and this is my first post for 2015. The last few months of last year were full and hectic with family events, some pleasant, some not so much. And in the midst of it only one quilt completed in October for a friend.
Here it is, a simple block with sashing and posts.

The backing shows more of the hand quilting that I enjoyed doing over the cooler months here. I marked it up with one of those dissolvable pens that worked well. For the stencil I realised I needed a circle about the size of a dinner plate, so that's in fact what I used! I think quilting is a great hobby when you can use things in the house to great effect. When it comes to hand quilting, the tea spoon that I use on the underside as I go through the fabric with the needle is so helpful. 

My friend enjoyed it, so that was very worthwhile. The photos don't show clearly but the central fabric has phrases about friendship such as: 'It takes a long time to grow an old friend' which was a very appropriate phrase given that we've known one another for over 25 years. 

But technically that was a quilt from 2014. So the first one for this year is delightfully one for a friend expecting her first baby. She knows it is a girl, so the pink is appropriate. Thought I'd give Trip Around the World a go. The yellow worked quite well as a bit of a contrast. 

I enjoyed doing the free-motion quilting with some daisy-type shapes and some orange-peel type shapes that visually create some circles which are also fun. I found some backing of spools that echoes the colours, it's a slightly flannel feel, so lovely and soft for a baby. Hope she likes it!

So onto the next project now, always a couple on the go, a scrappy one and a wall-hanging - but that's for next week. 
Until next time, 

I'm linking to My Quilt Infatuation and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Handquilting? Did you say handquilting? OMG, I am so impressed.
    Love those colors on the Trip Around the World Quilt. Looks like a Valentine's Day quilt.
    Where can I get that cute spool fabric?

    1. Hi Preeti, thanks I don't do much hand quilting but one a year during Winter is good for many reasons - warmth, something to do in the evening, keeps my practise up etc. I am in Western Australia and we have Spotlight as a store here which was where I got the fabric. It says 'Sugar & Spice Textiles' Sewing-Spools on the selvage.

  2. Gorgeous! Love your color choices!

  3. I like the first one (it has a nice, vintage vibe) but I prefer the bright colors in the second one :-). And those spools are cute!
